This Supercross Rider's Arm Will Make You Never Want To Ride A Motorcycle Ever [Gross]

Pictured above is Ken Roczen, supercross rider, in his happy place. He's on a bike (kinda) and in the air. Pictured below is Ken Roczen in a slightly less desired position. His arm has been opened up.

As another obvious warning, this is super grody and my coworker could not look at it up on his screen.

Yes, that's his whole arm opened up.

Don't feel bad, this is part of the healing process. Roczen gave a full damage report a few days ago:

Dislocated wrist, dislocated elbow and compounded radius. The first 30h absolutely sucked as none of the pain killers worked and it was really swollen. Gonna need few surgeries to get all this dialed. 🔴 I have gotten so many messages and was so pleased to read all of them. I didn't message back as the circumstances right now are just a bit gnarly and it would probably take me a day to reply lol. Just know I saw them! Love all you! Gonna need a few days for further info.

We actually saw this very crash happen and posted about it back on Sunday.

Remind me not to even stand near a motorcycle. Ever. Even a little.

