This Might Be The Citizen Kane Of Detailing Videos

Sreten from M539 Restorations teams up with the folks from Gyeon to do the ultimate new paint detail.

I hate detailing my cars. I don't know why, either. I love looking at my cars; I love driving them too. I even don't mind wrenching on them, but something about having to drag out the pressure washer and all the supplies – foam gun, wash mitts, buckets, soap, wheel cleaner, etc. – makes me cringe.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't love a good detailing video, and Sreten from M539 Restorations may have just released the Citizen Kane of detailing videos. It clocks in at just over an hour and features his excellent Project Chicago E65 Alpina B7, which is back from getting a fancy new paint job in Poland.

So, if the car has brand-spanking-new paint, and it's a good paint job (which this certainly seems to be), then why does it need almost 40 hours of paint correction by the folks from Gyeon Quartz? Why, to achieve near-perfection, of course.

This video is notable for a few reasons. One is the speed and precision with which Yves, the detailer from Gyeon, works. What he can do with a rotary polisher in just a few seconds almost beggars belief. Yes, I said a rotary polisher, not a dual-action. Despite having way more inherent risk of damaging the vehicle's paint, using a rotary polisher (aka one that only spins in a circle and which doesn't move in a random orbit) has a few real advantages, which are covered in the video.

Also great are the car washing tips that Yves dispenses, many of which fly in the face of what I've been told my whole life, like starting from the bottom of the car and working up, so you can see where you've washed and where you haven't.

Like most of Sretan's videos, this one is long, but it's definitely worth your time, and the results that the Gyeon team is able to achieve on this brand new Azurite Black Metallic paint border on unreal.

