This 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback On A Ford Bronco Frame May Be The Most American Car Ever

If you're not spending your Saturday scouring Facebook Marketplace, then you probably have a life. I, however, do not, and that means I get to make you look at this amazing 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback that has been grafted onto a 1973 Ford Bronco chassis. The Frankensteinian result may be the pinnacle of four-wheeled Americana.

Car culture in the U.S. is arguably the strongest in the world, and part of that has to do with the lack of lame laws that would, for example, prevent an enterprising individual from haphazardly bolting a 1965 Ford Mustang sports coupe onto the bones of a 1973 Ford Bronco SUV.

In countries like Germany, modifying cars is difficult due to strict requirements on aftermarket parts, and also absurdly difficult state-sanctioned inspections. But here in the good ol' USA, if you feel like chopping up cars and tacking them together, swapping in huge engines, or replacing a truck's body for something more interesting, you can do it. And that's just awesome.

I will say that this particular contraption, for sale in Belleville, Michigan, is a bit perplexing. Often times, homebrew builds like this involve a cheap body on a cheap frame (often just two cars that happen to be sitting around or available for pennies), but the two donors making up the vehicle shown here are actually quite desirable. I'll let the seller describe what this beast is:

I have a 1965 Fastback mustang sitting on a 1973 Bronco frame! Been sitting YEARS you know what it needs! So don't ask me if this and that is rusty! It's a rough Fastback with compete interior including fold down and clean fastback title and all tags! Motor is a 302 with unique bronco C-4 [transmission] and 52 1/4 9 inch [rear differential]! Will roll!

A 1965 Mustang Fastback with a title! In stock form, that'd be worth quite a bit of money. And the 1973 Ford Bronco? That's a first-gen, and my god have those been skyrocketing in value. So, to purists, this Mustang On A Bronco Frame may seem like blasphemy, but to me, it's an awesome representation of America's incredibly free and vibrant car culture, and I can't get enough of it.

And in some ways, if you think about it, this build was ahead of its time, as Ford will soon be debuting its "Mustang-Inspired" SUV. The Blue Oval should consider hiring as a consultant whoever had the brilliant idea to construct this absurd horse on a horse frame.

The body appears to be a bit toasty, and though I realize how valuable both donor vehicles involved in this build are, $4,000 isn't cheap for something as clunky as this appears to be.

Still, if I had a surplus of cash, I'd probably buy this jacked-up pony, because I know I wouldn't be able to resist a car with this much soul. This is America's most famous beloved sports car, the Ford Mustang, turned into the U.S.'s favorite type of vehicle right now, an SUV, thanks to underpinnings from one of the most iconic American 4x4s of all time, the Ford Bronco.

Whoever buys this will have to bring a catch pan to collect all the red, white, and blue fluids that this thing oozes past its gaskets and seals.

