These Are Your Best Car Secrets
Some say cars are lifeless objects, incapable of having personalities. Others say that they are anything but. Personally, I think cars can go either way, but some still manage to hide secret quirks and features from the rest of us that you'd only know if you were intimately familiar with that car.
Last week, I asked you guys for the best car secret that you know. Hidden switches, unknown functions or fun facts; it was all fair game.
For example, as I'm sure most of you already know, you can increase the range of your key's remote locking/unlocking function by putting it up to your head. I don't know how or why this works, but I've conducted countless tests and it's worked each time.
You guys came up with a lot of secrets! Let's see what you've uncovered.
Cute-Ute (Nick G)
I won't look at them the same way again.
Pedals (We don’t need no stinking name)
Wish my car had that.
Nine Things (Daryl)
Love the first one.
Quarter (Chairman Kaga)
Secret change storage is great.
Sand (Stan)
Makes sense.
More E30 Fun (Macktheknife)
Let's just compile all of these tips.
Fake Time (Jonee)
Hope you wear a watch when driving this!
Weird And Complicated (Akio Ohtori)
I don't expect anything less.
VATS (Sid Bridge)
It's not a chip.
One Key, Two Cars (mn_test347)
Saves room in your pocket.
Driving Road (Umoja)
I'll keep that in mind next time I head to AZ.
Miami Vice (WhatsUpDOHC)
Sharp eyes!
Impreza (phimuskapsi)
Who else can do this on their car?
More Saab Weirdness (Beer-light Guidance)
Proximity counts.
Cute Paper (Turbo_T)
They look collectible.
Antenna (StandaMan)
That's pretty neat!
Savings (Opa Brummbaer)
I live for stories like these.
Miata + Fiata (needsblinkerfluid)
Thank God! There is barely anything in those cars as it is.
Mirror Position (EZBrzy)
Good tip.
Locks (MM54)
Seems like a good safeguard.