“Underrated” is a loaded word. Something could be underrated because it was critically panned, but later garnered a cult following; or because it was well-liked enough for its day, but its legacy has been mostly erased with the passage of time.
Last week, I put up a list of the 10 most overrated racing games. (Predictably, lots of you took issue with the placement of Need For Speed: Most Wanted. That’s fine; it sort of proved the point.) Anyway, unlike those beloved titles, the following 13 racing games either didn’t receive the praise or attention they deserved upon their release, or no longer get that appreciation today. In some cases, as with Bizarre Creation’s Blur above, corporate meddling ruined the future of what could have been a pillar of the modern genre landscape. We’ll never know exactly what we missed out on, but we can dream. Let’s dream together.