These Are The Cars That Deserve A Grammy Award
You've staged a successful rebellion against the Recording Academy's rules
Yesterday, we asked you for the car sounds that deserve to earn their own golden phonograph from the Recording Academy. You gave us a wealth of answers, some of which even qualified under the criteria laid out in the question. But what were the best answers, our true Grammy nominees? Here are some of the best.
The Jaguar F-Type R
Im a bit biased since I own one – but the Jaguar F-Type R sounds amazing:
There's something about European exhaust sounds. They have just the perfect amount of raspiness, a harsh snarl surrounded by burbles, pops, and cracks. The F-Type R is a fantastic example.
German Door Closing Sounds
VW (German really) door "shut" sound.
It quality. Using 18 thousand harden steel bolts to attach a single plastic composite panel makes you think they did it everywhere.
But those that know, non-wearing parts are made from the most robust Teutonic steel. A wearing part will be made of the softest Nylon/epoxy plastic and or old newspaper.
It's not all about the engine or the exhaust. Sometimes, you just want to get in your car and feel like it's solid. A good door-close sound, a satisfying hood latch, even a deeb, bass-y trunk closing can make you feel like your vehicle is well-built.
Every V10
"Best Soundtrack" should be awarded to all V10's.
The R8 V10 is still technically on the market, so I'm counting it for its fantastic exhaust note. V10s are becoming fewer and further between, but Audi's holding down the fort. For now, at least.
Mustang Turn Signal Sounds
The turn signal chime in Mustangs that sounds like a horse trotting. It may be just playing the hits, but god damn it puts a smile on your face.
I understand that this is supposed to be a gallop, but it sounds less like a running horse and more like the drum intro to a Disturbed song. That's by no means a bad thing, the turn signal sound industry is ripe for innovation, but the mark wasn't perfectly hit here.
The C8 Corvette Z06
Pretty sure the C8 Z06 is expected to go on sale by the end of the year, so that gets my vote.
The C8 Z06 is something of a swan song for the purely-internal-combustion Corvette. Fitting, then that it sounds better than any Corvette that preceded it — and likely any that will follow.
The Lexus LC500
Best Sounding NA engine today in my opinion. LC 500
European cars may have given us the perfect snarl and rasp, but Toyota has learned the art for itself. The Supra and the LS 500 each have their own take on a guttural, angry yell, and each sound fantastic in their own way.
The Shelby GT350, Because Rules Don’t Matter
screw your eligibility rules, Shelby GT350.
I respect the audacity, Gunther, I really do. Rules were made to be broken. Rules like "The Mustang needs a cross-plane V8" or "Automotive Grammy awards can only go to current models." I'm taking your advice to heart for the rest of the list.
The Lexus LFA
I'll just leave this here.
We can't bring up V10s, the sounds of Lexus, and discontinued cars without mentioning the LFA. Has any car ever sounded better? Will any car ever match it?
Volvo’s Yamaha-Tuned V8
Brand new? Probably a Jaguar SVR; F Pace or F Type.
All time? Obviously the LFA and Carrera GT.
But what cars us mortals can actually afford and enjoy?
I vote Volvo's V8, which was tuned by Yamaha like the LFA (especially with a straight pipe)
A VW VR6 in any form is also tough to beat
It's no LFA, but it's a strong contender. I come back to this video every so often, and am always shocked at how good this pedestrian Volvo sounds. Straight pipes don't belong on VQs, but they fit perfectly here.
A Broken Old Truck
The sound of the half-destroyed Chevy truck that the dude around the corner from me owns. It's running on maybe 6 or 7 cylinders, the mufflers have either been cut off or fell off, and it's got some nasty lifter noise too. But he thinks everyone in the neighborhood needs to hear it, all the time.
Oh, there he is again. Is he just driving up and down the street for no reason? Doesn't he have places to go? Why is that stupid thing revving so high while going 15mph?
(This is not a serious reply, please don't count it)
As Du Volant, you're not my real dad and I don't have to listen when you say not to count your entry. In protest, here it is: The sound of a broken Chevy (okay, GMC) truck, for you to enjoy. I gotta say, not my pick, but to each their own.