The Ten Most Underrated Movie Cars

No one goes as Donny for Halloween, but without him The Big Lebowski wouldn't be as beloved. The same goes for some awesome but unheralded bigscreen automobiles. With your help, we're giving due to the ten most underrated movie cars.

This is Answers of the Day – where we take the best ten responses from the previous day's "Question Of The Day". It's by you and for you, the Jalopnik readers.

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10.) War Of The Worlds

The car: Plymouth Voyager

Why it's pivotal: Tom Cruise's ability to get the Voyager to start saves his family as they journey away from the killer aliens. They live in the car for much of the movie.

Suggested by: 87CE 95 PV Type R

Photo Credit: IMCDB

9.) Gran Torino

The car: Ford Gran Tornio

Why it's pivotal: Without giving too much away for those who haven't seen the film, the eponymous car's given a small but important role in the film it ties the entire film together even if it's barely driven.

Suggested by: SennaMP4

Photo Credit: IMCDB

8.) Ronin

The car: 1998 Audi S8

Why it's pivotal: The entire film Ronin's sort of underrated and doesn't end up in car movie lists as often as it should. All the cars in the film are great, but they go through them like Arizona State undergrads go through free prophylactics so all the vehicles are in a supporting role. The best? The nitrous-injected Audi S8.

Suggested by: decece

Photo Credit: IMCDB

7.) Fargo

The car:Burnt Umber Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera

Why it's pivotal: Part of an underhanded ransom from an even more underhanded Oldsmobile salesman, this middle-of-the-road car from a middle-of-the-road state is both pivotal and symbolic.

Suggested by: jedchev

Photo Credit: IMCDB

6.) The Blues Brothers

The car: Car 55 Police Interceptor

Why it's pivotal: The Blues Brothers, though beloved, has one famous car in it: the Mount Prospect Illinois 1974 Dodge Moncao. You could maybe also argue the Pinto Wagon was famous. But the Dodge Polara that goes flying into the back of a semi while being driven by the oft thwarted Illinois state troopers? Awesome, memorable, unheralded.

Suggested by: jakebonz

Photo Credit: Blues Brothers Central

5.) Bullitt

The car: Porsche 356C Cabriolet

Why it's pivotal: Did you even know there were cars in Bullitt other than a Charger and a Highland Green Mustang? Yep, Bullitt's girlfriend drove a hot little Porsche he ended borrowing in the pursuit of the criminals.

Suggested by: I Can be Stig?

Photo Credit: IMCDB

4.) Back To The Future

The car: 80s Toyota Hilux

Why it's pivotal: Does anyone remember that the DeLorean is Doc's car? The amount of time he actually drives the car is pretty limited in the film, but Fox does drive the awesome and lustworthy Toyota. Yet how many BTTF Toyota replicas do you see?

Suggested by: syrax

Photo Credit: IMCDB

3.) The Birds

The car: Aston Martin DB2

Why it's pivotal: Listen, Tippy, if you're going to drive into a town being attacked by wild birds perhaps an expensive British convertible's not the way to go...

Suggested by: Knaudi

Photo Credit: IMCDB

2.) Jurassic Park

The car: YJ Jeep Wrangler

Why it's pivotal: Everyone remembers the damn Explorers, because at the time they were new and had the way better paint job. But let's be honest here. Given the choice you'd take a Jeep, which was both the vehicle they explored the island with and the one that helped get Newman killed.

Suggested by: dmckoltrane

Photo Credit: IMCDB

1.) The Big Lebowski

The car: 1973 Ford Torino

Why it's pivotal: Not only is it The Dude's only form of transportation (lest he have to bum a ride from Walter) the car's theft adds another dimension to the confusing update of the noir classic The Big Sleep.

Suggested by: RawToast

Photo Credit: IMCDB

