The HondaJet Is Officially Airworthy And Already On The Assembly Line

The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded the HondaJet with the "Type Certification" the company's been chasing since they fired up an aircraft division in 2006. The plane is finally legal for American skies and sales to the public.

An FAA Type Certification is a little like a Department Of Transportation approval on a car. The regulatory agency works with the manufacturer to test and guarantee the vehicle's performance, safety and such to certify its design.

Once a certification is awarded, the design gets locked-in but it's allowed to be driven on public roads (or in public skies). No more tweaks from the company until another certification process is completed.

Honda says they spent more than 3,000 hours at more than 70 spots around the U.S. testing the HondaJet with FAA oversight.

The HondaJet is classified as a "Very Light Jet," meaning it has a maximum takeoff weight of under 10,000 pounds. 9,200 to be exact, according to AOPA Pilot. These planes are typically approved for single-pilot operation and carry four to eight passengers.

In that category, Honda has made a lot of claims that their new entry is "the best." It's supposed to be the fastest (420 knots/483 MPH) and most efficient of all like aircraft.

It also has those really cool engines strapped on top of the wings.

With the fresh FAA stamp finally on the paperwork, the Honda Aircraft Company is getting 25 HondaJets on the final assembly line at their shop in Greensboro, North Carolina where almost 1,700 people work.

Image via Honda

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