The Greatest Race Car Liveries Of All Time, According To You

Race cars really can be something special. As the years pass, we're wonderfully blessed with a whole grid's worth of beautiful cars across plenty of racing series—and part of that beauty lies in the livery.

There are plenty of iconic schemes, sure—but they don't have to be legendary to be awesome. Last week, I asked you kind folks to share your favorite liveries of all time with me, and the results were pretty damn great.

I do have to say, though—a truly disturbing lack of Marlboro liveries. Fix yo'selves.

Going Gulfing (onlytwowheels)

I feel like I'm about to lose a lot of my street cred here, but... Gulf liveries are overrated and boring. There. I said it. Smoke Marb Reds.

Tasteful Martini (Panda Steaks)

That Mazda livery is incredibly sick and I am a big fan.

All-I-Need-Talia (mike89)

This is good. Classy. Sleek. Fast.

British Racing Green (wkiernan)

Such a slick looking car. Colin Chapman knew best.

#ForDale (Le fou canuck)

You can't go wrong with this one.

Stadium Me Up (Daewo10356)

Brings back good memories.

Rainb-oh Yeah (Brad Landers)

I can't believe I've never seen this beauty before.

THE GREATEST (Alanis King)


Walter Wolf (Mcryder)

O hell yea

Oink Oink (The Legend of Vincent Tremblay)

The story behind this is forever delightful

Sunshine! (Burners Baby Burners)

Pennzoil yellow is such an incredible color.

Beautiful Blues (ColMustardintheLibrarywithaCandlestick)

Pre-sponsorship liveries are so good. I wish we could bring 'em back.

A 70s Classic (Comment Box Sanitation Dept.)

I am absolutely biased, but this is a personal favorite of mine.

Better Than Gulf (PatD85)

Fight me.

Hell Yes (MorganGT)

You've made a great choice.

