Late last night, Paris Hilton was pulled over and arrested by LAPD while "driving erratically" in Hollywood. An LAPD spokesperson claimed she "exhibited the symptoms of intoxication" and Hilton performed a field sobriety test, which she failed, leading to her arrest and subsequent charge with a DUI. Hilton's spokesperson, Elliot Mintz, went on to claim that police detected merely the California minimum B.A.C. level of 0.08%, and "[Hilton] was driving home from a celebrity appearance at a charity event where she only had one drink." When asked what happened to cause her erratic driving...
...Mintz claimed his celeb-whore of a client "spent the day shooting a music video and...[driving while looking drunk] was probably the result of an empty stomach and working all day and..." — wait for it — "...being fatigued." Ah, the good ol' "fatigue" excuse — works every time. No word on whether Hilton also verbally pummeled ociffers with anti-semitic slurs, or whether there were sexual favors offered — though if either happens, we'll be on it faster than Hilton on a bacardi and diet. [Hat tip to Zerin!
Paris Hilton charged with DUI [CNN]
Mel Gibson Has A Passionately Anti-Semitic DUI; LAPDSaysWhat?; Excuse Me Coach, Your Balls Are Showing: Detroit Lions Asst Coach Joe Cullen Ticketed For DUI And "Driving Without Clothes" [internal]