Steve McQueen may not have done all his own stunts, but to get The Magnificent Seven role that launched his career…
Video games and YouTube only takes one so far into learning the tricks of rally driving. Autopia's Jason Paur went…
When he was a kid, Luca Rusconi's father took him to the 1975 Italian Grand Prix, where Ferrari engineers escorted…
One month down, one month to go and the guys at K-PAX Racing are right on schedule. That's one of the great things…
We added hilarious illustrator and Jalopnik superfriend Lunchbreath to our press pass list for the 2011 Chicago Auto…
These motorcycles belong to Tom Cruise and David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology. Those luscious, deep red…
Filmmaker Stephen Mitchell has been fortunate enough to own a few Ferraris in his lifetime, even spending a moment…
More great news from the wonderful world of Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia is running out of oil! [Gawker]
A 7-year-old kid came close to realizing every kid's dream: He bought a real Harrier fighter jet for $113,000 on…
From directing "Smokey and the Bandit" and "Cannonball Run," to breaking 56 bones in his career as as a stuntman,…
If you saw last night's new Transformers 3 trailer, you may have noticed some new hot Optimus Prime gliding,…
There's a very good reason that our culture's most enduring artistic and moral icons all died young: because if…
K-PAX Racing's attempting to turn an off-the-line Volvo C30 into a world-beating race car in 60 days. Driver Robb…
Fueled by oil money and a societal abhorrence to permanence, Dubai is a disposable culture. Even, apparently, with…
K-PAX Racing's attempting to turn an off-the-line Volvo C30 into a world-beating race car in 60 days. Driver Robb…
Driving on four wheels through the worst of winter seems daring enough, but what's it like with half as many contact…
While test driving a $250,000 Bentley Continental GTC Speed, magazine editor Kate Winick crashed the car after…
For all the attention Steve McQueen has received for the famous chase in "Bullitt," he only drove 10% of the…
Tucked away in an obscure warehouse in Detroit sits the almost inaccessible Transportation Collection of the…