We're looking forward to a 2009 as good as you helped make 2008. To prove it, come on back to Jalopnik right after…
We hope you've had as much fun reading Jalopnik this year as we've had bringing it to you. Here's our 25 favorite…
As proud as we are of our compelling writing, it's hard to top a compelling photo. Below is our list of the ten…
There's little in life you can't boil down to a top ten list. We should know, we made a lot of them this year. Below…
We're proud to host the best commenters in the automotiverse. Don't believe us? Read any of the comment threads from …
Out of thousands of news stories Jalopnik ran in 2008, the following ten were the most popular. Two of them…
This past year will go down in history as the year when carmaking almost shriveled up and died, but so much more…