State Senator Arrested For Keying Car With 'Biden Sucks' Bumper Sticker
Sen. Josh Miller may have lied several times to the police in an attempt to dodge a vandalism charge.
Police arrested a Democratic Rhode Island State Senator last week after he allegedly keyed a car with a "Biden Sucks" bumper sticker.
This incredibly stupid story comes from the Cranston Police Department in Rhode Island, which arrested State Senator Josh Miller for allegedly committing an act of vandalism/malicious injury to property on June 22. The incident occurred in a parking lot outside of a Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop. The alleged victim caught Miller in the act, hearing the scraping sound and spotting Miller on the passenger side of his vehicle near a brand-new deep scratch. Miller denied it was him and made a quick getaway from the obviously pissed victim. In a fun twist of fate, it was the Re-Elect Josh Miller bumper sticker on Miller's own vehicle which clued the victim in to the vandal's identity.
In the police report the department posted to Facebook, you can read Miller's repeated attempts to deny scratching the car, first to the victim and then to the police. He does everything he can to make himself seem the victim, that is, until the police retrieved footage from the store's security cameras.
It should be noted that Mr. Miller stated to the Officer who stopped him that he was being stalked and threatened by "gun nuts" at the State House, and he believed the person in the vehicle may have recognized him as a state senator and threatened him for that reason. He told the Officer to call Colonel Michael Winquist who was aware of the threats and patrolling the area around his home. Mr. Miller never reported any threats to Col. Wingquist or the Cranston Police Department.
When faced with video evidence of the crime, Miller changes tactics, claiming the victim had "dared" him to scratch his own car. Which strikes me as an extremely likely scenario. Miller was released to his own recognizance with a $1,000 bond. He's due in court on July 18.
It's not clear if the bumper sticker was Miller's motivation for the vandalism. No matter the reason, it's just another example of how we really need to elect some grown-ass adults to do the people's work.