One Of The Straight Pipes Hosts Played Every N64 Racing Game Ever So You Don't Have To

Retro games, retro cars, and retro music, what more could you ask for?

I wasn't allowed to play video games growing up, which never really bothered me until it came to racing games – I always envied the kids who would come to school and talk about the latest automotive games they played. I still don't play video games, but thankfully Yuri Tereshyn from the automotive YouTube channel The Straight Pipes just shared a five-hour-long video of him playing every Nintendo 64 racing game ever made. He included thorough chapters in the video description so you can easily hop around from title to title.

Tereshyn reviewed 45 different N64 racing games, ranging from children's games like Mickey's Speedway USA and Lego Racers to M-rated adult-focused games like Carmageddon 64 and South Park Rally, all of which are hilariously nostalgic trips back in time. Tereshyn groups all of the titles into three categories at the end of the video: games he loves and will play again, games that are okay and he might play again, and games he wasn't a fan of and probably won't ever play again. Rankings aside, I loved seeing the retro cars and graphics and hearing all of the early drum and bass music that so often accompanied these kinds of games.

Do you have fond memories of any of these N64 games? Let us know in the comments below.

