The Best Taxis In The World

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With New York's Taxi of Tomorrow now being called the Taxi of Today because there are taxis on the streets today that used to be called the "taxi of tomorrow" but today is a day in which we have those taxis, it got me thinking. I'm sure the Taxi of Tomorrow is okay, but where does it rank with the greatest in the world?

The standard by which all other cabs are measured is the London Taxi. Now using a chassis known as the "TX4," the very shape of the car is as iconic and synonymous with London as Tower Bridge itself. Designed to be a taximeter cabriolet from the ground up, it has everything a Londoner would need. And that includes a turning circle tight enough to make the roundabout in front of the Savoy Hotel.


Maybe the London cab isn't the best cab though. Show us the best cabs ever made in the comments below!

Photo credit: mwanasimba