Ever felt like racecar liveries needed more pizzazz? Sharks with frickin' laser beams? What about robot unicorns with laser beam eyes on a field of sparkly purple? Well, now is your chance! Porsche wants you to design Patrick Dempsey's GT3 Cup livery.
Racing liveries tend to take themselves a bit seriously—perhaps too seriously. Basic stripes and solid colors may look classy, but they're certainly no Hardibird photoshop.
I've always said that when I win the lottery, deeply impress Porsche Motorsport with my LeMons 944, strike oil in my yard and/or otherwise make it rich, I'll buy a 911 to race and run my favorite livery of all time: the Bunnywagen.
I mean, the Type 3 Fastback sort of even looks like a 911, right? Right. I will gladly let Patrick Dempsey have the world's first lilac Easter Bunny-themed GT3 Cup if it gets submitted and chosen for this.
Point being, we could have a lot of fun with this design contest. If you submit, for example, an amazing glittery Michael-Bay-inspired montage of Cayenne Transsyberias doing muddy doughnuts in front of a field of explosions and it wins, you'll have the undying adoration of not just me, but the entire Internet.
Here's how the contest works, per the contest page:
An exclusive jury - including Patrick Dempsey and Porsche designers - will select their favorite designs. These will then be posted on Facebook for a final vote. Then it is all about support. Tell your friends and family to vote for your design.
Porsche will fly out the winner to São Paulo for Round 7 of the GT3 Cup Challenge Brazil, right before the Formula One Brazilian Grand Prix on November 9. Meet McDreamy, see your livery in action and see a fantastic weekend of racing.
So, get crackin' on that Jalopnik Gold Brefass Scotch livery, start flipping through the glitter section of the vinyl catalog, and adapting that amazing 911 50th Anniversary houndstooth seat pattern for use on exterior bits. If your design is chosen by Porsche's panel of experts for a vote, let us know and we'll link to it here to remind everyone to go vote.
Templates for designs and how to enter the contest can be found on Porsche's site here.
I've seen your photoshop work, Jalops. There's no reason the big-wigs at Porsche shouldn't have a gallery of awesome to choose from. Let's see your designs in the comments, too.
Photo credit: Porsche (not the Type 3)