Sauber's Hello Kitty promotion with sponsor NEC are nothing new per se—they've been giving out the totes presh kawaii Racing Kitty plush and other themed prizes since August. It's just time to step up their Sanrio-licensed game.
Fan Toni Ríos posted this take on Sauber's Hello Kitty promo on Twitter earlier, and while I wish it featured more of Hello Kitty's signature bright pink, I dig it:
I mean, if our local band of track junkies can hold Ms. Kitty up as the highest form of duct tape design, Sauber needs to join in the fun.
Besides, the bright pinks of Hello Kitty would be a spectacular match for Adrian Sutil's Japanese-woodcut-like Suzuka helmet design:
Tabitha Teddy (high five, stuffed animals of motorsports) took the themed helmet idea a bit farther with her submission for Sauber's Hello Kitty photo contest:
Perhaps the visibility wouldn't be the greatest from that one, haha.
(I know that makes two Sauber pieces in Black Flag's first week, but we're not picking on Sauber per se. Hello Kitty just rules.)
Photo credit: Sauber F1 Team (helmet)