Massachusetts Man Arrested For Dropping Rocks In Middle Of Road So Cars Would Hit Them
At least 11 cars were damaged after hitting the rocks.
Earlier today, we wrote about a woman in Texas who barely avoided being impaled by a spear while driving after someone apparently threw it at her moving car. While the police currently have no leads in that particular case, there is some good news about a different asshole, this time in Massachusetts. Police have arrested Cameron Currier, who is accused of leaving rocks in the middle of the road to intentionally damage cars.
The Boston Globe reports that the rocks Currier is accused of placing in the road weren't exactly small, either. They're described as "boulders" and "large rocks," and apparently, they were big enough to cause serious damage to at least 11 cars. "Many times, it appeared someone may have struck a rock and continued on," the Kingston police department said in a statement. "Many others, the vehicles' undercarriages were being ripped out, causing fluid spills, disabling vehicles, and even causing airbag deployments."
To catch the culprit, "a detective waited in the woods by the road, dressed in full camouflage on a rainy night." Around midnight, police say the detective witnessed a car stop in the middle of the road. The driver got out, opened the trunk, dropped a rock on the road and drove off. He was later arrested, although he denied the accusations.
Michael Skowyra, a Kingston detective lieutenant, told the Globe that the department plans to continue the investigation since there's still a possibility that Currier wasn't acting alone. Why anyone would make a habit of going out of their way to ruin other people's days, we can't say for sure, although police did point out that his house is close enough to the location that he would have been able to see some of the wrecks as they happened. So maybe they just did it for entertainment?
So far, Currier has been charged with 11 counts of malicious damage to a motor vehicle and nine counts of attempting to cause malicious damage to a motor vehicle. More charges may be filed in the future, though, if more victims come forward.