Listening, Learning, And Improving

Sometimes we get it wrong, and you get it perfectly right

Sometimes, we get it wrong. We make mistakes. When we're lucky, you all call us out on them — you help keep us honest. Today, I need to apologize for a grievous error I made yesterday: I missed a pun that was staring me dead in the face. I am so, so sorry.

Yesterday, after much raving amongst Jalops over text, Andy raved about the trailer for "Twisters" that dropped during the Super Bowl and I hopped into the comments to express my own eagerness to see the movie the second it comes out. Unfortunately, my phrasing missed the obvious pun, but This burner burns premium stepped in to fix my error:

I am truly, deeply sorry for such a glaring omission. I understand that I've shattered your trust in me as a writer and journalist, and I hope that I can someday write enough puns to regain your trust. If I'm truly lucky, somewhere along the road I hope to even regain your respect. You all had so much respect for me, I'm sure, and here I've gone and wasted it.

I won't make any excuses for my behavior, or pretend that everything I did was perfectly fine and okay — I've committed a grave error, and I understand that I must atone. I will be enrolling in a pun seminar in order to ensure I'm operating to the best of my capabilities when leaving comments.

Congratulations, This burner burns premium, on your Comment Of The Day win — and thank you for noticing the bits of wordplay that slip right by me. As thanks for your hard work, here's a favored track of Dusty's for your morning enjoyment.

