Jalopnik Fantasy Garage: Double Execution Day

Four cars, two bullets. But where to aim? After two days worth of ruthless bickering enlightened discussion, you have selected the Fantasy Garage's four bottom feeders. First to act is the RUF RT12, the car that achieved the 2nd highest number of "out!" votes. Interestingly, this non-CTR Yellowbird RUF was also the first car inducted into this here Garage. Will it meet the same fate as the second ever inductee, the Maserati Quatroporte? That's for you to decide.

Next up is the Rolls Royce Phantom. As is tradition around these parts, big-ass 4-doors fair quite poorly when it comes time to nix. I still pine for the W12 Phaeton. Anyhow, the Daddy Warbucks Roller appears to be no exception.

Third to bat, we have the Lamborghini LM002 barely squeaking by the Buick GSX 455. Just three votes up as of me writing this. People really seem to hate this V12 powered 455 horse off-roader. Bunch of meshugoim if you ask me, but that's democracy for you. Finally, the poor Porsche 928 simply got dog piled. Too bad, but the people have spoken. Just like when we reelected George Bush. Remember, two of these cars are banished from the premises. Happy voting amigos.

