Jalopnik Exclusive: We Test GM's Patience And Personal Audio Link System For The iPod

The ability to run your iPod in your car through your head unit (either via the radio faceplate or the steering wheel) is kind of like the Holy Grail to auto-loving audiophiles with a hankering for digital audio. I already drive, eat, drink and e-mail all at the same time, so throwing the iPod into the mix doesn't help much. So any opportunity I've got to use the iPod via the radio interface makes me almost giddy. Given that, I have to say the General's Personal Audio Link system (PAL) is better than what I've currently got, but nowhere near as robust as other systems out there, but at $159 — it's also cheaper than any other system currently on the market as a dealer-installed feature. Given that, I feel kind of bad for the engineer who had to get into the car with us outside of Cobo Hall the other day at the Detroit Auto Show. I mean, it's hard enough trying to ride in the same car as me when I'm driving — but to also have to deal with my eclectic musical tastes — that's more punishment than anyone should ever have to deal with. Check out the video above for more details on the system and for the fun we had the other morning.

Audi's Got Some Hot Apple Head Unit Action; Microsoft And Ford Get N'Sync At The Detroit Auto Show And CES, We Get First Exclusive Hands-On: Part 1 [internal]

