Audi's Got Some Hot Apple Head Unit Action

George Achorn over at Audi fan-site Fourtitude had the opportunity to sit in a parked Audi S8 with Audi's NorAm product planning manager Filip Brabec for some hands-on time with the new Audi Music Interface (AMI), which he claims has "simply the best iPod navigation via head unit control we've seen on the market today." So wait, George and Filip were in a parked Audi toying with a head unit? Sounds kinky. But all joking aside, the system looks promising, and as George points out,

Audi has not limited the use of its AMI to the Apple player. Additional cables will also be made available, including one with a standard 3.5mm jack and a USB 2.0 compatible jack coming in 2007. In the case of the iPod, it also charges the unit while it is plugged in to the AMI. Once plugged in, the device will then appear in the MMI s navigation. Simply press CD on the MMI controller buttons and you have your choice between your MP3 device (iPod in this case) or CD changer.

So there you go, if you're one of the 14 people who have an mp3 player not made by Apple — you may even be able to plug it into Audi's system at some point in the future. It looks like we'll be looking forward to having the chance to get some of that head unit action ourselves.


More pictures and the full interview [Fourtitude]

Nevermind The Horsepower: Buy A Ferrari 599, Use Your IPod [internal]

