Indy 500 Drivers Spend Their Rain Day Planking
It's been a rainy year in Indianapolis, and with not much to do around Gasoline Alley today but pray for a Texas drought, the racing hopefuls for this year's Indianapolis 500 practiced their planking skills.
For the unfamiliar, "planking" is making your body into a plank and seeing just how strangely you can stack it. (Also, pics or it doesn't happen.) That's Scott Dixon above, getting an assist in his plank form from the helmet, but he wouldn't win the day based on the shots sent out by the racetrack today.
This judge would call it a close contest between Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s aerial display or the setup from James Hinchcliff that gives a new meaning to "pole position." You can judge for yourself: Here's the rest of the contestants, absent John Andretti's halfhearted vertical effort.
So far, there's not been a move to group planking ahead of the May 25th international Planking Day, as scheduled by the Australian crazies who came up with the idea. Probably best to leave that to the Nascar types; they're used to getting stacked up on each other's tails.