Mechanic Rigs Old Parking Meters And Steals $210,000 In Quarters

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10,000 pounds. That's approximately the weight of quarters stolen by parking meter mechanic James Bagarozzo from the machines he was supposed to work on in Buffalo, New York. The best part is how he got caught.

Thieves often get greedy and that greed was the undoing of two parking meter mechanics working for the City of Buffalo. Going back to 2003, Bagarozzo and his accomplice Lawrence Charles rigged old machines that didn't have separate coin canisters to drop quarters that he could then access later and turn into a bank. They took more than $200,000 for themselves and deprived the city of a lot of revenue, which is how they were discovered.

The parking commissioner noticed that newer, credit card-operated machines were taking in way more money than normal. This led to an investigation and the apprehension of the two suspects. Since the arrests, revenue jumped $500,000 a year.