Holy Replicar, Your Own Batmobile For Just $19,660!

Grab your cape and tights, and stop telling Robin you want to see the inside of his bat cave. Today, Nice Price or Crack Pipe has a homage to the Dynamic Duo's car, and that's no joke.

Riddle me this, what's the most iconic car of 1960's television? The Monkeemobile? Munster Hot Rod? My Mother the Car? Not even close. The car that is seared into the consciousness of the Baby Boom generation is non other than the ride of the Caped Crusader and his boy-ward: the Batmobile. That George Barris creation, based on the LIncoln Futura showcar, set the stage for all bat-cars to come. The flaming "rocket" exhaust, ebony paint and two-seater bubble canopies eschewed the comic book crime fighter's arrest-me red convertible from the first few issues, making the TV Batmobile is as memorable as was the series danceable theme song-

While Barris Inc. Still owns that original Batmobile – which is valued today in the millions – that's not to say you have to fulfill your billionaire playboy by day/accessory-laden crime fighter by night fantasies while driving your Solara coupe. That's because authentic recreations of the eponymous ride of the fabled night-dweller and his green-clad and gender-neutrally named assistant are available.

Today we have such a replica- based on a 1976 Lincoln Continental, and powered not by a flame-spewing jet turbine, but by a small-block Chevy. The car has enough bells and whistles evocative of the original's multi-facetted capabilities to make your friends wonder where you get all those wonderful toys.

The autographed dashboard- signed by both Adam West and Lee Meriwether – may not make your bat-boat float, but the lipstick red batphone and trunk-mounted faux exhaust stacks certainly will.

Also showing that the builder was no Joker are the working flamethrower, parachute and bat beam, all of which give this car props for effort and mean you'll be properly prepared to ply the ally ways and backstreets of your own personal Gotham seeking evildoers to thwart.

But at what cost does this crime-fighting homage come? Well, there's no Buy-It-Now so you'll just have to put your underwear back underneath your clothes and give your mom back the bead-sheet cape while waiting for the auction to end. Right now it's starting at a clever series-starting year price of $19,660, but that reserve could be in billionaire playboy range, so let's just stick with the starting point. Would you pay that for the opportunity to relive the days when the saviors of the city not only did-in the bad guys, but also found time to kick it on the dance floor? Or, would you feel two-faced about spending this much on a schlock rod?

You decide!

Nice Price or Crack Pipe: Batmobile Replicar for $19,660.(survey software)

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