Here's The Dumbest Shit You've Ever Modded Your Cars With

We can't help it: we get a new car and we just gotta make it our own. This sometimes includes distasteful and bad mods. But it's okay! We're allowed to learn from our mistakes.

I mean... hopefully, we learn and we can laugh about it. And then we can share them with strangers on the internet. Reading through all your responses, though—sometimes it seems like you guys still miss those mods. How about that?

Here we go.

MORE POWER (atx_travis)

The only reason that matters.

Wood! (777)

Truly, I have never seen this before.

Cold Air Intakes (Lokiparts)

Class act indeed.

Lights (protodad)

At least your windshield was LIT.

Ice Cream Man (Mazarin)

You cruel bastard.

Parking Lot Soiree (Mr_Elliott_Man)

Not going to lie, I'm jealous of this van.

“Caution: Hot” (Todd Baker)


Green (bottsdotts)


Shadowfax (Shooting Cars; Because Making Videos About Cars Wasn’t Catchy)

Please tell me the car's name was Shadowfax and that it showed you the meaning of haste.

Black Light (Wonderfully Disastrous)

Ignorance is bliss, friend.

Dusty (Abrahamrobert)

This is simply heroic.

Sawzall (Arachnyd OH78)

That's what being 18 is all about!

Home Depot (Labcoatguy)

I did not know this was a thing.

“I Know Better” (Bigger Putz)

Your parents just didn't understand you! Or zip ties!

Teens In The Desert (Garrett Davis)

This is where innovation happens, everyone.

POWAAAA (revrseat70)

That isn't the most important thing there ever was?

Signage (StantonGTI)

I mean... I think it's pretty funny.

