Here's How They Made That Mind-Blowing Ferrari F40 Snow Rally Video In Japan

Director Luke Huxham was kind enough to send us his latest gorgeous work in 4K, also explaining in detail what it was like to chase a Ferrari F40 up a snowy mountain as the snow chains keep hitting the carbon kevlar wheel wells.

If you haven't seen Red Bull's Snow Camp Feat. Ferrari F40 video yet, I suggest starting right there. Like, watch it at least three times in a row, because it's that great. Today it's in glorious HD on YouTube as well.

Projects like this always start with a slightly crazy person. In this case, that would be Kimura-san. As McMike pointed out, this high-speed camping trip wasn't his first rodeo with the F40.

I'll let Luke take over, taking us behind the scenes:

After all, turbos love cold air.


