Here's How Much Your Cars Are Worth Right Now
The rising prices of used cars are signaling owners to trade-in or sell your car. So, YOLO.
Car values are up—way up. As the chip shortage leaves brands unable to put completed new models on showroom floors, dealers are desperately turning to you, the used car owner, to bring in your car to trade-in or sell. Luckily, the whole supply and demand situation is coming out in the owner's favor, with some model values rising by at least 30 percent. Additional good news: vehicles with higher mileages are no longer a dealbreaker.
We asked readers how much their cars are worth right now. Whether they will "YOLO" this opportunity to seek a new ride, or just enjoy the knowledge of this unexpected appreciation of their daily drivers, these were their answers.
2019 Volvo XC40: $37,500
Just sold our '19 XC40 T5 AWD with 18k miles for $37.5K, which is insane because the lease payoff was $30k. The car's MSRP was ~42k...
Submitted by: asdfasfasfsfDauntless
2019 Toyota Sienna: $36,000 - $39,000
We bought my wife's Toyota Sienna in 2019 for $32k (down from $38k MSRP from negotiating and dealer discounts).
According to KBB, 2.5 years and 27k miles later it's at $36k trade in/$39k private party, or at least $4k more than we spent on it.
Trying to convince her to sell, but everything we would realistically replace it with is similarly overpriced, and it's a good car.
Submitted by: TorchyTorchandtheFunkyFrunks
2021 Ford F-150: $62,000
Order My 2021 F150 in October 2020. Delivered January 11, 2021, Just before the shit really started to hit the fan. Payed $54,790 against an MSRP of $64,134. Have been offered as high as 62k...
Submitted by: Jimmy Jones
2012 Subaru Impreza WRX STI: $40,000 - $55,000
I'm not entirely sure but given recent sales on BaT my 2012 STi wagon with 12k miles in Rally Blue with zero mods should be between $40-55k. Given needs tires (original) and needs small body work (jerks in parking lots) maybe $45k? I have no idea.
But either way, probably more than the $35k I paid for it.
Submitted by: dupton
2013 Acura ILX: $13,000
2013 Acura ILX bought during the shutdown for $11,000 out the door with 88k miles. Worth $13,000 with 107k miles now.
Submitted by: @anysnail (Twitter)
2020 Jeep Gladiator: $50,000
2020 Gladiator- Got a sweet deal in 04/2020- the first month of Covid when things were locked down and no one knew what was coming. Paid 38k for an Overland with Leather and Cold Weather currently 13.8k miles. I also have both a Color Matched Hardtop and Premium Soft top- which wasn't even an option on their or KBB site (a 2k+ option at dealer). Carvana said 50k so I can get paid roughly $667 a month to drive it. Granted I did add on 4k worth of stuff and if I did sell it I'd have to buy a new one..... but soooo tempting. BTW KBB says 51k trade in with private party of 52-56! Sell private party make 18k!. This is nuts.
Suggested by: Sweedishjeep
2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP: $5,700 - $8,200
65k mile 2004 Grand Prix GTP Comp G in near mint condition: By KBB, private party is now up to $5700-8200. It was $2300 a few years ago.
The issue with selling it still remains: With every other car also having risen in price its increased value doesn't translate into being able to trade up. I've had it for 17 years and, even though it's not my dream car, it's pretty darned comfortable, powerful, and ultra reliable. (I don't think I've put more than $2000 in maintenance into it in 17 years, including tires. (two sets of Kumho Ecsta 4x's at ~$400 a set)) Since I don't *want* a money pit, a nicer car within my price range like a Phaeton W12 or an out of warranty BMW 3 series runs smack into that issue.
Suggested by: kuchikirukia
2019 VW Jetta GLI Autobahn: $30,500 - $31,000
2019 GLI Autobahn with 7k miles on it. Bought it a week before COVID in March of 2020.
Paid $26k, owe about $17k on it. Carvana is offering $31k, Carmax is at $30.5k.
Super tempted to sell it and drive a beater since a rarely drive except to get out of the house. Its super fun to drive and I haven't even modded anything yet. I know the price of everything else is high so I'm waiting. Carvana's offer has gone up 3k in the last month alone so I think I will wait and see if it gets closer to $33-35k.
Submitted by: Hurricandj
2020 Kia Telluride: $43,000
I bought a Telluride S in March of 2020 for $38k. I drove it 12,000 miles and just sold it to a Honda dealership for $43k. They said they already had a buyer for it by the time I left the lot.
Submitted by: Parzivahl
2020 Tesla Model Y: $61,000
I bought one of the first post-covid Model Y's for $55K in June 2020. Sales tax/registration roughly balanced out with federal / state EV tax credits. Drove it for 16K miles and sold it last Friday for $6K more than I had into it.
We have 4 cars and didn't need to sell it, or really need the car, but the way I looked at it was that I could take that money, order a new one, wait until June (current delivery month) and end up with a new car for the same money.
I feel bad for the people who absolutely need a car right now.
Submitted by: jimmy-buffett