How Much Is Your Car Worth Right Now?
Used car prices are through the roof, so have you seen what yours might be worth?
The saying used to go that any car loses value as soon as you drive it off a car lot. But these days, inventory shortages and increased demand have driven up new and used car prices. So what are your wheels worth now?
We've all scoured second-hand car sites, peaked at auction listings and browsed used car lots to see how much we might get for our car if we decided it was time to part ways. So that's what we want to find out today, how much is your car worth right now? And, if you sold it, how many of these second hand gems could you pick up?
Earlier this year, we reported that the average price of a new car had risen again to $45,031. The rise has been sparked by increasing demand from buyers and the shortage of computer chips that hit production. This has all played into the hands of anyone looking to sell their old car, as prices have continued creeping up in recent months.
So whether it's a 1995 Range Rover that you thought was nearly on its last legs, a 1987 Nissan 300ZX looking for a new home, or a 2016 Ford Focus RS that is still raring to stretch its hot hatch legs, your car might be worth more than you expected.
And that is exactly what we want to uncover today. We want to hear about the car you're driving now, and the sweeter-than-expected deal you could get for it today. Are you happy with the latest price you think you would get for it, or is it lower than you'd like?
Let us know what your car's worth right now in the comments section below.