Have It Your Way: King For A Day

OK, this is the deal. The magical deity of your choice waves his wand and suddenly you have complete control over one brand of your choosing. Pick the car maker of your dreams; you now own them. And you can do anything in the world you want. Think Chevy should bring back the LUV? Make it so. What about Ferrari and an "entry level" Dino? While you're at it, how about telling the prancing horse boys to ditch the flappy paddles and refocus on traditional manuals, 0.30 seconds faster round the 'Ring be damned. All you need do is snap your fingers. You think BMW should fire Bangle? Do something about it. Wish Toyota would just get off the pot and introduce a sports car already? Then say so. Us? We pick Subaru. First we bomb the factory where the B9 Tribeca is made. Then, STI Wagons for all. After that we would bring back a modern Justy. That's available as an STI. OK, fine, we'd just import the JDM R2. And we would introduce some sort of Skyline-crushing halo car. Done. Next. You?

[The Jalopnik Question of the Day runs daily except for this past weekend... Do you have a question you want answered? Email it to tips@jalopnik.com with the subject line "QOTD"]

Should You Spend It All In One Place?; The Jalopnik Question of the Day [Internal]

