What's The Best Car-Related App On Your Phone?

Tell us everything about your favorite car app to use

Technically mobile phones have had applications installed since the 1980s with simple calendar, clock and calculator inclusions, but it took until the iPhone's arrival in 2007 for the apps we know to be apps today. I am of the age that I came up learning how to get from one place to another by reading maps in a pre-internet age, then learned printing out turn-by-turn directions from Mapquest, and now I can just push buttons and follow the blue line. I think proper map apps today are maybe the most important car-related apps available, maybe the most important apps period.

So there you go, I've taken away the easiest and most normie answer for today's question of the day. A map app is definitely the best app to use in your car, because it's just phenomenal that we've developed this global positioning technology and use it to try to race the estimated time of arrival to your destination. Waze is unequivocally the best maps app to use in your car, that's not up for debate. What other great apps are you frequently using with, in, or while driving your car? We want to know what you're using.

There are a fantastic apps out there for the car enthusiast. Is your favorite a racing game? Is it a data logging app? Are you using a particularly good app to learn new skills? It could be anything. Whatever you're doing at the apex of cars and cell phone apps, we want to know what it is. Sound off in the comments below and give us the rundown on your favorite app. It could even be one you developed yourself. Or give us your fantasy app that doesn't exist, but maybe could someday. What is it and what does it do?

