For $15,000, Fake A Cargasm

There are a lot of Fs to today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe candidate. It's a fake Ferrari on a Fiero, and its fifteen grand. It'll be up to you to decide whether or not to say eff that.

You know what, just about the only expensive thing that you're going to want to make yourself is going to be a baby. That fact, along with a kind of uninspiring state of affairs, doomed yesterday's Mazda-based Locost to a 75% Crack Pipe loss. That Seven homage may not have been nearly finished, but today's Fiero-based Ferrari F355 comes far closer to the goal.

For a while, Ferrari employed a simple naming convention for their cars, one that matched engine displacement, rounded to the nearest litre, with the number of cylinders across which that displacement was distributed. That resulted in cars such as the 308 – three litres, and eight cylinders, and the 512, which – yeah, you got it – was a five-litre twelve.

That all kind of unraveled when the company decided to add valves along with displacement to their model refreshes. In the mid-nineties that resulted in the 348 (yes, 3.4 litres and 8 cylinders) being replaced with the F355 which was... a three and a half litre five cylinder? Nope, it was still an eight, but it crammed 5 valves into each combustion chamber's capper, and that was fancy enough to warrant a celebration in the appellation of the car that carried it.

Ferrari's naming conventions have been a lot more confusing ever since, but what is crystal clear is that no matter what you call them, Ferrari's are almost without exception pricy to buy and expensive to own. That's why this pretty convincing fake, built on a Fiero, is an interesting alternative.

Unlike last week's fake Ferrari, this one is at least a homage to a model that does actually exist, the F355 Spider, and it comes with what's said to be a number of Ferrari factory parts. Sadly, one of those isn't the engine, this being the first pushrod engine I think I've ever seen branded with il Commendatore's family name.

That comical rebranding of the sturdy but modestly endowed 2.8-litre V6 isn't the only aspect of this car that's a little hinkey, as the interior looks like a Ferrari as envisioned by Lego. Fortunately the body looks pretty damn convincing, and after all that what's most important, right?

The fly yellow paint is shiny and seemingly without major flaw, and the overall dimensions appear pretty loyal to the original car. The F355 was a good looking car, far better that the 348 which it replaced, and this Fiero channels the Italian should pretty convincingly.

Oh sure, there are a few boogers. The bumper and trunk lid in front don't quite see eye to eye, and the quad exhausts in back are kind of lopsided. But the most egregious aspect of this car is the lack of a convertible top, the triangular tipped tonneau looking as sadly empty as a post-neuter dog's change purse.

That lack of weather and theft protection might be a small price to pay for a bargain basement Ferrari, but then that will have to be determined by the car's price actually being a small price to pay, and you now need to vote on whether that is a fact or not.

The seller is asking $15,000 for this Fiero-based fake Ferrari, a mere fraction of what the real deal will cost. Not only is that price of entry cheaper than what an actual Ferrari will run, but the operating costs will likely be lower as well, seeing as you can get things like head gaskets and mains at your local Pep Boys or Carl's Everything but Ferrari Auto Parts Store.

But is that low enough for a faker? What do you think about $15,000 for this Faux-rrari? Is that a deal? or, does this seller get an F grade in pricing?

You decide!

Los Angeles Craigslist, or go here if the ad disappears.

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