For $1,750, This Custom Buggy Is Ready For The Dunes
They say that residents of Texas' capital should
keep Austin weird. It doesn't get much weirder than today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe dune buggy, but is it priced to ensure it will be kept by its current Austin owner?
Like the sirens' song leading sailors to their doom (or maybe siren sex, it's hard to tell with all the singing), yesterday's amazingly rare
2003 VW Passat W8 AWD wagon with a stickity shift called out to you. Despite a reputation for fragility and wallet-draining repair costs, that legendary beast walked off with an equally mythic 78% Nice Price win.
Yesterday's candidate hailed from the days when Volkswagen wanted to run with the big dogs, offering luxurious and complex products that would be appreciated by the monied and class conscious. In total contrast, today's ad is for a VW-powered car that's about as basic and unpretentious as you could possibly find.
You know, they like to say that everything is bigger in Texas. The longhorns are hornier, the wackadoodles are wackadoodlier, and obviously when it comes to dune buggies, Texas is going to have the dune buggiest, right?
Well, check out this
home-brew buggy from Austin, and tell me whether this KISS (keep it simple stupid) buggy doesn't look like it'd be a Texas-sized amount of fun to drive.
The ad claims that the mesh-undergarmented two-seater comes with a 1600 dual-port, an engine that runs 'like a top.' The battery, coil and dizzy are new, and the whole thing comes dressed in a patina that only comes from a constitutionally-guaranteed exercise of god-given freedom and lack of garage space.
Speaking of freedom, this thing's so sparsely kitted that driving it would be about as close to nature as you could get. Getting to that nature might be a bit of a hassle as it does seem to not presently be road-worthy, even in Texas. It does come with a box of spare parts and the assurance that all it needs are a few minor things to make sure John Law will give it a pass.
Once you get to the actual dunes, you'll likely appreciate the light weight, fat knobbies in back, and the dual cutting brakes. Fun features include a VW speedo mounted under the steering shaft's crossbar, wonky lights, and a fuel tank that hangs prominently off the simple roll cage.
It doesn't get much more elemental than this, and a conveyance so simple should have a simple price too, right? Well, the asking on this top-like dune buggy is very simply $1,750, no trades, no hassles, no hippies.
What do you think about this crazy dune buggy and its $1,750 price tag? Does that seem like a deal? Or, is this buggy's price – like everything else in Texas – too big?
You decide!
Craigslist, or go here if the ad disappears.
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