The First 'Fast X' Trailer Is Out and Steve Has Theories About It
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Every Detail, Reference, And Easter Egg in the First 'Fast X' Trailer

Every Detail, Reference, And Easter Egg in the First 'Fast X' Trailer

Old faces return, new faces appear, and Brian's WRX is back. 'Fast X' hits theaters May 19th — here's everything the first trailer reveals.

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Image: Universal Studios

We’ve waited many long months, but the Fast X trailer is finally here. Everyone more or less expected something to come up around Super Bowl time, but I don’t think any of us expected the sheer number of details that would show up to kick off the Saga’s end. Brian is back, Cipher’s out of her weird box, and Jason Momoa managed to kidnap Dom’s son. First rule of the Fast Franchise, Jason: You don’t mess with family.


I’ve watched this trailer an entirely healthy number of times, and I’m here to break down all the details, references, and Easter eggs I can find. If I miss anything, though, let me know — hop into the comments with your own screenshots. Oh, and spoiler alert for every single Fast Saga film. You’ve been warned.

FAST X | Official Trailer
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Rita Moreno as Dom’s Grandmother

Rita Moreno as Dom’s Grandmother

Moreno doesn’t yet have a name in the movie’s IMDb listing, but Vin Diesel filmed a welcome video for her on Instagram revealing her role. She’ll be playing Dom’s grandmother, matriarch of the Toretto clan.


Diesel has a heavy hand in casting the Fast movies, and it seems roles appear out of thin air when he wants to work with an actor he admires. To be clear, as a film-making approach, this rules. A cast that gets along behind the scenes is a good cast, and the Fast Family have always been close.

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Letty’s Heavy Chevy

Letty’s Heavy Chevy

Since 2009, Letty’s signature car color has always been gray. Her Jensen, her Barracuda, and her Rally Fighter have all shared the same desaturated tone, while the Nova in F9 added those classic dual black stripes down the hood and trunk. It seems she’s stuck with both the color and the GM preference here — sure, she’s not in the shot, but who else could kick Dom’s Charger out into the driveway?

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Brian’s WRX STi Hatchback

Brian’s WRX STi Hatchback

Brian has owned a couple of WRXes over the years, but this was his first. The framed photo here is a shot from 2009's Fast and Furious, the film that semi-soft-rebooted the Fast franchise. It’s inarguably the worst film of them all, but it breathed new life into the franchise — and made enough money to justify Fast Five, where things really got good. The WRX must have made an impression on Brian after it got him out of Mexico, because he used one again as a jump car in Furious 7.

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Charger Donuts

Charger Donuts

We get a shot of Dom’s charger spinning around, which feels like a callback all the way to the very first film. After Johnny Tran and Lance gunned down poor sweet Jesse in the first film, Dom and Brian go out hunting for the two. Dom shows up with a move just like this one to knock Lance and his Honda off the road. Sure, he could just be doing donuts, but it feels intentional.

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Little Brian’s First Car

Little Brian’s First Car

Canonically, Elena Neves — who is oddly absent in a trailer that harkens back to the Fast movies of old — was pregnant with Little Brian during the events of Fast and Furious 6. That movie takes place in 2013, meaning the baby was likely born that year or the following. We don’t yet know in what year Fast X will take place, but Little Brian is still clearly a child here. Can he even reach those pedals? This Charger terrified a young-adult Dom, but he’s willing to put his grade-school kid behind the wheel?

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Dante’s History Presentation

Dante’s History Presentation

This shot is paired with voiceover from Jason Momoa’s Dante, threatening Dom and the family for as-yet-unspecified reasons. Look which screen Dom is looking at, though — it’s the Eclipse and Evo from 2 Fast 2 Furious. I’ve always though that Eclipse got more hate than it deserved (though I’ll admit it’s gaudy), so it’s nice to see the series isn’t shying away from its roots. Don’t ignore the old Mitsubishi product placement just because some fans were too insecure to enjoy a purple convertible.

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Dante’s Flat-Track Harley

Dante’s Flat-Track Harley

Hey, Harley-Davidson? Build this bike. Sell me this motorcycle right now. I mean, sure, give it a headlight, but this style absolutely rules. Momoa’s a big Harley guy in real life, so it makes sense to see Dante riding one in the film, but this is heavily modified from anything stock. The engine and fork look to be off of the Sportster S, but the tank is entirely different from that bike. The swingarm, too, is changed — it sits at a steeper angle to give the bike more rake. I love this motorcycle.

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Editing Sleight Of Hand

Editing Sleight Of Hand

Here, we see Dante taking his incredibly cool Harley up alongside some sort of truck. He’s got something in his left hand...

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Editing Sleight Of Hand, Cont’d.

Editing Sleight Of Hand, Cont’d.

Which he then attaches to the vehicle. Dante says “boom,” but when we cut to the wide shot to see an explosion, there’s a change.

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Editing Sleight Of Hand, Cont’d., Cont’d.

Editing Sleight Of Hand, Cont’d., Cont’d.

That’s not Dante’s bike. We see this rider later in the trailer, and we’ll come back to their identity, but Dante’s nowhere in the shot. The editors have mashed two different scenes together to try and trick us.

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The Return of Roman Pearce

The Return of Roman Pearce

Rome hasn’t been much of an asset to the team for a few movies now, if we’re being honest. He hangs out with Tej and flirts with Ramsey, but she’s not interested. I like him as the funny guy to Tej’s straight man, though, so I’m glad to see him again.

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Returning to Rio

Returning to Rio

And here’s where the timeline truly gets wild. The trailer brings us back to Rio, the site of Fast Five, and puts us back in the climactic heist scene. But, after Brian and Dom hook their Chargers up to the safe, something’s different.

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Dante’s Family

Dante’s Family

Dante watches Dom and Brian drive off. That’s right, he’s been behind the scenes for five movies now. We see him again in Rio, knocked off a bridge by Dom and Brian’s safe-bashing maneuver. Dante tells Dom, “You stole that from me. My future. My family,” over a shot of Fast Five villain Hernan Reyes. Are the two related? Is Dante Hernan’s son? Maybe, maybe not, but pitting Dom against a villain as family-focused as he is makes for an interesting twist on the series.

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Dante in Cipher’s Lair

Dante in Cipher’s Lair

It’s not established where Dante is in this scene, messying his extremely good suit jacket with random mook blood, but the high-tech cool blue lighting is generally associated with two characters — the Nobodies (both Mister and Little) and Cipher. It seems Dante may be walking into Cipher’s lair and killing her guards as some sort of show of dominance, before proposing an alliance — given that he’s not being fired on after licking his knife clean, it doesn’t seem like the Nobodies are in the room.

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A New Superweapon?

A New Superweapon?

The Fast Saga is no stranger to fantastical pieces of war tech, from the God’s Eye to Dom’s EMP. Whatever’s happening in this scene seems to be making some sort of shockwave or air blast, one big enough to send multiple police cars flying. Is there another high-tech weapon at play?

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Envy Adams is Here to Help

Envy Adams is Here to Help

Brie Larson’s character is named Tess, and that’s about all we know about her. She’s here helping Dom, warning him about the fury Dante’s bringing, but we don’t know how she fits into the larger narrative. I have to wonder if this warning scene was initially written for Elena. Maybe Elsa Pataky couldn’t fit the shoot into her schedule?


We have seen photos of Tess and Dom together, so there’s likely some sort of link there. It’s even possible, given the clothing, that this shot is from the very same scene in the trailer.

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Taking Little Brian

Taking Little Brian

The house at 1327 is besieged by what appear to be airsoft enthusiasts, decked out in all green, but there’s more editing sleight of hand here. This shot is followed by one of Little Brian running through the house’s halls, alone, and then one of Jordana Brewster’s Mia Toretto being taken and yelling out. Notice, though, that the armed people behind Mia...

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Taking Little Brian, Cont’d.

Taking Little Brian, Cont’d.

...are in all black — like the presumably-Cipher-allied folks Dante sliced up earlier. Is this shot the real kidnapping, and the door-breaching scene is Nobody guards arriving too late?

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“What’s the Plan, Dom?”

“What’s the Plan, Dom?”

John Cena is back as Jakob, now seemingly allied with the rest of the Toretto clan. We get another shot of this vehicle later in the trailer, doing... something, but here it’s on a highway next to the Dad Remembrance Charger. Good to see the brothers working together.

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Han’s Alfa GTV

Han’s Alfa GTV

Once again, we have color coding to thank. Han’s first car, in release order of the series, was the orange-and-black Veilside RX-7. When he returned in F9, he got a Supra decked out in the same colors. So when we see this orange and black Alfa GTV, there’s no question — Han finally got himself a European car. The M5s in the sixth movie don’t count.

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Not-Dante Returns

Not-Dante Returns

That biker from the explosion earlier? It’s Letty! Same helmet, same tan jacket, even the same handmade-looking supermoto. Why was she blowing up a truck earlier, and why did the editors want us to think it was Dante?

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An Actual Street Race

An Actual Street Race

We see the setup to this race later in the trailer, but we know Dom and Dante are in the center. While it would be nice if this, rather than any fight scene, was the climax of the film, I doubt it. Remember in the sixth movie, when Dom raced Letty in Britain long before the final confrontation with the Bizzaro Crew? I bet that’s what this is, an initial meeting between the two foes.


Also, the Z on the left ends up flipped over and on fire. It’s a 2+2, so I’m not as mad about it, but c’mon.

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John Cena as Peacemaker I Mean Jakob

John Cena as Peacemaker I Mean Jakob

Cena’s in the Toretto house, taking on armed assailants. But he’s decked out in the same black as Mia’s kidnappers, while the enemies here are in the gray-green of the door breaching shot. Who’s on which side here?

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And Speaking Of Unclear Alliances

And Speaking Of Unclear Alliances

Who’s behind Dante here, in this confrontation with Dom? Their hair looks too long to be Cipher, but it’s tough to tell.

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That’s No Moon

That’s No Moon

We’re in Italy here, with some sort of orb rolling down the street and wreaking havoc. Is this whatever weapon caused that airburst earlier? Why does it look like the Death Star?

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“It’s a Setup”

“It’s a Setup”

We get three quick shots here. Letty tells us that something is “a setup,” then guns cock around Roman, Tej, and Ramsey — guns wielded by individuals who look a lot like those green-uniform thugs at the Toretto house. Notice the reflective strip on the person’s shoulder here, to the left of Ramsey — the kind folks at the Toretto household had the same thing. Maybe they aren’t Nobodies.


After that, Han says that “He’s trying to tear us apart.” “He,” presumably, meaning Dante.

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“Winning Used to be About Winning. We Raced for Respect.”

“Winning Used to be About Winning. We Raced for Respect.”

What do you know, an actual street race in a Fast movie. It’s full of the usual scantily-clad dancers that seem to be requisite for the series, but it’s a disagreement being settled through motorsport rather than weaponry. The Chevy is driven by Dante, whose guards were just pointing their guns at Dom moments ago — this seems to be his attempt at a peaceful resolution, like Tokyo Drift. Speaking of, we haven’t seen Sean or Twinkie. Are they here?

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Jaakob’s Odd Car

Jaakob’s Odd Car

The vehicle from earlier appears to be a Ranchero, keeping with Jakob’s Ford allegiance from F9. Those tubes on the side also appear to be rocket launchers. Have I mentioned that these movies go so hard?

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Han and Shaw

Han and Shaw

Technically, Shaw killed Han. Except, Han didn’t die, and Shaw got a kind of face-turn later on. Are these two going to be on good terms? Does Han even know Shaw was the one who killed-but-didn’t-actually-kill him?

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Speaking of Heel Turns

Speaking of Heel Turns

This is a very different look for Brie Larson. Hair tied back, suit jacket on. In fact, it could be the lighting, but the jacket looks blue — like the person standing behind Dante earlier. Is Tess planning to double-cross the crew?

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Putting the Kid in Kidnapping

Putting the Kid in Kidnapping

The inciting incident, most likely — Little Brian taken by Dante. Dom and Letty aren’t going to like that.

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Why Was Six Afraid of Seven?

Why Was Six Afraid of Seven?

This shot feels like a callback to the sixth and seventh movies simultaneously. The road looks a lot like the bridge scene in Fast & Furious 6, but Dom’s dropping his Charger out of a plane like the seventh film. Interestingly, this doesn’t look to be a purpose-built a Charger — is this the Dad Remembrance Car seeing a final outing?

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Oh Yeah, Dom Is Invincible

Oh Yeah, Dom Is Invincible

Yes, he just killed two helicopters with a car. What, like you haven’t?

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Letty and Cipher

Letty and Cipher

We’re back in the cool blue lights from earlier, and Cipher seems in control with her dialogue. Letty’s out to change that with her fists. This scene is going to rule in theaters, I can already tell.

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That’s All, Folks

That’s All, Folks

That’s every detail, trick cut, and reference I noticed in the trailer. Did you spot any that I missed? Throw them in the comments, and maybe we can piece together this whole movie by the time it debuts on May 19th, 2023.
