Exclusive Transformers Movie Pictures: Teletran-1 Needs To Explore For Ratchet, Bumblebee And Brawl!
The way the story of the Generation 1 Transformers goes — way back in episode numero uno — the Autobots went-a-searchin' for some energy ito beat the evil Decepticons. After the Autobot's ship, the Ark, was attacked by the Decepticons — it crash landed on Earth where it was buried under a dormant volcano for a few million years until it went active — waking Teletran-1, the Ark's explorin' and repairin' computer system. Teletran-1 got the lay of the land and brought back schematics to bring back to life the earth-bound bots, with the disguise of present-day vehicles and stuff. So we're starting to get the idea that maybe that's the direction Bay's going for the live-action movie. These set pictures are the reason why — we've got ourselves an old-school Chevy Camaro above that'd be a perfect template for the new hotness GM Camaro concept that becomes Bumblebee, and then a click through the jump'll show you a Red Cross Humvee that'd be perfect for Ratchet and a tank that'd make a perfect Decpeticon Brawl.
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