Drinking And Driving Can Cause You To Have To Install The Drager Interlock Breathalyzer System

Tonight's the biggest bar night of the year, and as a public service announcement for our readers — the folks from Michigan's Oakland County gave us the opportunity to test out a Drager Car Breathalyzer XT interlock device for a few hours. An interlock is a breathalyzer unit installed in the vehicles of repeat offenders who have been prosecuted for driving under the influence of alcohol and the folks at Drager estimate there are 60,000 of their units currently deployed across the country. The system works like this:

Before the vehicle can be started, a breath sample has to be given. Once the breath alcohol measurement has been performed, the interlock prevents alcohol impaired drivers from starting the engine...When the ignition is switched on, the inter-Iock requests a breath sample from the driver. The result of the breath alcohol concentration measurement determines whether the vehicle's starter is released and the engine can be started.

So remember kids, if you drink and drive tonight and get caught — you might have to have one of these units attached to your car — and really, who wants to explain that when you're out on a date?

Drager Interlock XT – contributing to improved road safety [testsystemsathome.com]

Mel Gibson Has A Passionately Anti-Semitic DUI; LAPDSaysWhat? [internal]

