Turns Out, Taking A Fun Little Ride Down The Plane Slide Can Get You Arrested

Apparently, those slides are reserved for actual emergencies or something.

I'm sure you've all been there before. You're on yet another flight. The flight attendant is going through their safety spiel. You're wondering if you should have paid the extra money for Comfort+ because despite being seated in an exit row, your fellow passenger is broad-shouldered and not exactly smelling like they're freshly showered. Then the flight attendant gets to the part about the emergency slides, and you start to consider bailing on the flight altogether.

All you've got to do is open the door, and you're free to take a fun little ride down the plane slide. Not only would it probably be exhilarating, but you'd also be free. Free from the plane. Free of your seatmate. Free from the rules of society. Why do you even let the man keep you down? You deserve at least six seconds of "whee!" time and a fun little run around the tarmac.

As much as I get it, though, I do have a bit of bad news for you. CNN reports that a Delta passenger recently tried doing exactly that, and the police had the audacity to arrest them for it. It's not like the plane was even moving when they did it, either. It was reportedly holding, waiting to taxi for takeoff. Obviously, everyone knows you're not supposed to slide out of a moving plane, but a stationary one? This is literally 1984.

What's even more upsetting is the fact that Delta employees were the ones who detained the passenger while they waited for law enforcement to show up to arrest him. First of all, don't be a bunch of snitches, Delta. Second, why are we shaming this person just because they ruined everyone else's travel plans and forced them to head back to the gate to be "reaccommodated on a new aircraft,"? And finally, since when is sliding illegal? Everyone should be free to enjoy a good slide every now and then.

But hey, at least we all know that we currently live in a totalitarian state that cares nothing about your desire to have a little fun. You can definitely be arrested for trying to make your time on the plane a little more enjoyable, and Delta has zero tolerance for fun and whimsy. Plan your future travels accordingly.

