Toronto Floods Claim Cars, Trains, And One Unlucky Ferrari

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Record rainfall hit Toronto this evening stranding people in trains, cars, and buildings. It also submerged one unlucky Ferrari California. Silly Canadians, water is the natural enemy of Ferraris.

Here are some tweets from Toronto this evening.

Decided to sprint home and was rewarded w/ submerged cars #flood #carsdrowned #rainstorm #Toronto

— Demps A. Chong (@hismaj3sty) July 8, 2013

@CP24 GO Train nearly floating #flood24

— Devin Jay (@devjay) July 8, 2013

My parking garage is apparently collapsing in from the weight of water #torontoflood

— Todd van der Heyden (@ToddCTV) July 9, 2013

No bueno! RT @Bell_Racing: How bad is Toronto? Will @IndyCar be able to race this weekend?”

— Tommy Kendall (@TommyKendall11) July 9, 2013