Daryl Hannah's Biodiesel El Camino For Sale Again
Back in 2007, I encouraged all of you to rush out and buy Daryl Hannah's biodiesel 1983 El Camino. As I expected, one of you did and has been the proud owner of that vehicle ever since. Now it's time for another Jalopnik reader to inherit the beast.
Here's the email I got from reader Thomas, who just put the car-truck up for auction:
You are quite likely the guy from whom I learned Daryl Hannah was selling her El Camino in the first place back in 2008. Anyway, I'm the guy who bought it. Now, in a bittersweet turn of events, family needs (i.e., a car seat) require me to put it back up for sale. As Ms. Hannah did a few years ago, I'm selling it at auction:
Just figured I'd bring it to your attention. Thanks for bringing it to mine. First car I ever owned, and I don't know how I could ever own something better.
Could there be anything better? Those of you in search of your next car, be warned the auction closes at 2 pm today. Bid away!