Dad Wins Car-Halloween With This Fantastic BMW Costume For His Kid

It's funny, I just sketched something like this out to make for my kid on Halloween, but, crucially, I didn't get around to doing it. Clay Weiland, however, is a much more together person, because he did follow through and make a fantastic kid-in-car costume for his son on Halloween. Even better, it's an old BMW 1600.

Clay's written about his cars for us before, including the BMW 1602 that was the basis for this fun little project.

His kid-wearable BMW is made from that plastic corrugated panel stuff that's used to make postal boxes and politician's yard signs. The overall simple, rectilinear shape of the Neue Klasse is a big advantage here, as using this material to render something like a Porsche 356 or a Jaguar E-Type would be miserable. But for cars like the BMW 2002, maybe a Golf/Rabbit, or maybe an Aston Martin Lagonda, it's perfect.

Clay said he put it all together with hot glue, painted it with spray paint, and used those little puck-shaped LED lights for the headlights, as well as real reflectors for the (very nicely rendered) round taillights. For these elements, Clay had some thoughts:

"As it turns out, having lights and reflectors on your kid's Halloween costume really works for safety when trick-or-treating."

That's a good point.

This is an absolutely charming costume, and that little boy looks like he's having a blast driving around his sweet-ass BMW.

Even better, this is a very achievable project for pretty much anyone willing to take a bit of time (Clay says he had two days of free time to do it), so I think it's worth a try. I'm planning on one for next year already, or maybe even sooner, just for the hell of it.

I mean, a waist-car is stylish all year long, right?

