Cool Tool: The Screw Starter Makes Dropping Screws A Thing Of The Past

Over the past few weeks we've looked at ratcheting serpentine belt tools, handy flexible claw pickup tools and OBD-II monitors that can save your car from disaster. This week's tool, the screw starter, makes dropping a screw while trying to thread it a thing of the past.

This recommendation comes from reader knowonelse, who also provided some nifty pictures of his gear. He says these tools have been essential for installing points in vehicles like his 1967 Volkswagen Type 3 Squareback. They're sometimes known as screw-holding screwdrivers.

Driving screws without dropping them is a problem we've all dealt with. I try my best to hand thread a screw first, but I inevitably drop the screw someplace where I'll never find it ever again. It's even worse when trying to remove a screw in a tight space. You're almost guaranteed to lose it. I wish I learned about these before!

If you were wondering how exactly these little tools work, the Just Tool Basics YouTube Channel breaks it down:

Knowonelse also provided pictures of another handy type of screwdriver, pictured below. Those are offset ratcheting screwdrivers and they work exactly like you'd think. Stick them into those tight areas and use the ratcheting action to loosen or tighten to your heart's content.

The screw starters are available from GEARWRENCH and are extremely affordable. The Yankee offset ratcheting screwdrivers reader knowonelse uses are vintage, but lots of companies are making them nowadays for great prices. Check your preferred tool sites for them!

Do you know of a weird or unique but must-have tool you think every wrencher should have? Do you want to see us put a type of tool to the test and see how it performs? Shoot me an email or drop it down in the comments!

