Cities Gunning For X Games Officially Reach Mud-Slinging Territory

First off, if you haven't done so already, vote for Detroit to get the X Games. Secondly, vote for Detroit. Third, the battle between Detroit and the other cities is getting brutal.

As a reminder, ESPN is looking for a host city for next year's big event and Austin, Detroit, Charlotte and Chicago are the top four in the running. We've told you twice on Jalopnik (here and here) that Detroit is the worthy contender. And yes, I'm totally biased. If the X Games comes here and you're in town, I will offer my gratitude by taking you to the new Whole Foods.

So far, the competition has been mostly friendly with a few jabs here and there, but now we're starting to get into the "sir, I challenge thee to a doo-elle!" part of the competition that'll inevitably result in backhanded insults, ragey Internet comments and hurt feelings.

Case in point: On the X Games Austin Facebook page, a message reads "Austin Hustles Hardest." To 99% of everyone else, that's a throwaway line. To us Detroiters, it's a slap at our "Detroit Hustles Harder" movement and clearly a throw of the gauntlet.

Not to be outdone, the good folks running the X Games Detroit Facebook page noted that whoever's running the Austin page isn't even doing it from Austin. Allegedly a Nashville consulting firm is running the page for them.

Not only that, X Games Detroit notes that a Chicago marketing firm — again, Chicago is in the running to host — is organizing a giveaway of shopping sprees to lucky voters in Austin. What kind of head-scratching outsourcing is going on here?

Keep it simple and vote for Detroit. The above video shows scenes from the Detroit movement's presentation to ESPN after they visited late last month. ESPN will pick the winner at the end of this month.

