Urambo Tauro

The point is that the coordination was doable, and as you get more and more instinctive as a manual driver, you will be more and more open to doing the sorts of things that newbie manual drivers scoff at the general public for doing, whilst patting themselves on the back for “being more engaged and less distracted”. Read more

Even better. Require everyone to ride a motorcycle for the first 5 years and then for 6 months following every at fault accident. Not even a manual auto requires as much focus as a motorcycle. Read more

You wish. I have seen people in India, where automatics are basically non-existent, eat, text, and drive a manual simultaneously. It involves steering with the knees. Read more

Easy, ban automatics. I converted the The Church of The Manual about two months ago and it immediately struck me that I couldn’t do shiz other than drive while driving. I only have 2 hands, one needs to steer and one needs to shift. At 5’4”, I’m not tall enough to steer with my knees and still reach the pedals. Want Read more

Personally, I love the Transformers Camaros.

That’s tacky, but not as bad as 2015 Mustangs.

Meme worthy

A lot of them probably aren’t doing it to be watching to make sure you do it right, but rather out of curiosity. Myself, I’d rather watch some guy replace the brakes on a car (even one that isn’t mine) than sit and read People, or watch CNN.
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If you’re going into the barrier, would you prefer K-rail? Or catch cables?

Hyundai Veloster, cool name, cool looking but not fast enough for the name

The name was the sportiest thing this bucket of blandness had going for it.

Read through the privacy policy, basically they use aggregated data for trending. However they do not sell your data, won’t share data with 3rd parties without consent. Will delete all your data on request. Don’t have to supply your VIN number. Will submit to legal warrant or other court order as long as its not Read more

Is there a company that doesn’t give up data if a warrant is served? Or are you saying how long is their data retention in case a warrant is served? Read more