Urambo Tauro

How? I thought those cars had steering racks, not pitman arms. Move the outer tie-rods to the other side of the knuckles? Not sure how one would manage that either. Read more

I was thinking the same thing, hold the bottom of the wheel. But maybe that would only work for light inputs. Once you start moving faster and are turning the wheel far enough to where you can no longer simply keep your hands at the bottom, I think it would be easy to get flustered and lose track. It’d be fun to try Read more

LOL He spun out at 0:46. They just cut it before he came to a full stop.
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Great explanations. I too received some recent response from an old comment I had left on that post, and felt the need to clarify my stance. It’s nowhere near as detailed as what the Doc here had to say though. I really appreciate the part about modern aluminum blocks. Just goes to show that there are very specific Read more

So they managed to reduce some weight here and there just so that they could keep the extra weight penalty of those other features to a minimum. TBH, this has been going on for years, throughout the industry. Generally speaking, all the advancements in using lightweight materials over the past few decades have been Read more

And the ones that actually are concerned about weight are much more likely to understand the need to sacrifice unnecessary features. Read more

While we’re on the subject of tech terminology, can we start using “HAV” more often? Highly Automated Vehicle is already an officially recognized term for autonomous/driverless cars among agencies like DOT and NHTSA, and the acronym is a great way to avoid multi-syllabic tongue-twisters.
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Wow. I hope you hear back from him. This is an amazing labor of love and I’d love to hear more about it. Read more

Replying to my own comment four years later because somebody gave it a star, and if people are still reading this, then I feel the need to clarify my stance, which has evolved since my previous comment. Read more

Yeah looks like the hub/flange is still bolted to the wheel, but I can’t tell if it’s disc or drum. Someone more familiar with Rams might be able to tell from here. It might just be the way that it’s wedged up against the body, that’s keeping it from falling away? Read more

“There’s just something women like about a Pickman.”

I don’t have a first time driving story, but I do have a short first time driving a manual transmission one... Dad came to pick me up from my first job one day, bringing the family truck with him: a 1990 Chevy fullsize pickup.

Shoulda gone to the track...

Not only should that not be a touch screen, I’m pretty sure that’s a Game Boy Pocket, which shouldn’t even be in color. Read more