It’s the weekend. What do you want, another Goodyear exposé? Read more
It’s the weekend. What do you want, another Goodyear exposé? Read more
Funny how this rusty car blog led to me looking up weathered steel, which led to me looking up Atlanta’s Omni Coliseum (made out of weathered steel), which led to me finding a car blog about a man fixing up his rusty Dodge Omni ( Read more
That’s why these are the only acceptable RVs ever made...
Once again for better or worse Japan has taken the graphics concept on ANYTHING to the EXTREME.
The weekend content has been great here lately. Thanks Matt! Read more
This already is my favorite Jalopnik article of the year. As an owner of several early 2000s vehicles, I strongly believe in reduce, reuse, recycle.. and having older vehicles has been great to me for the ease of maintenance, availability of parts at the junkyard, and generally not giving a shit when they get damaged.… Read more
“We really don’t know why, aside from this is the way we’ve always done it.” will get you fucking fired if I ever hear that from an employee for doing something as ugly/bad as these graphics. (I am product owner for a software development team.)
There are worse things than swooshes.
Same designer:
How about weathered copper? I honestly can’t decide which version of the Peugeot Onyx I like more, polished or oxidized.
I had a cross country tour a couple of years back, and spent some time in Michigan.
Way ahead of you, my friend.
Refrigerant is also not recoverable through normal means. Everything green sequesters CO2, so its impact is considered slightly less grim. Read more
Juju. Bad juju. Read more
A C7.R in the flesh. Tucked away in a garage at an FSAE event at MIS. I don’t think they even took it out to show it off, just had it hidden. Not shown, a boogaloo ready Chevy Trax by GM. Was not worth taking a photo of lol.
I was traveling for work in Utah a few years ago. Turns out a colleague of mine at our Utah location was good friends with Ardell Brown. Good enough friends that he called Ardell and told him we were coming over once he realized how much of an enthusiast I was. At one point in time Ardell owned more than 260 cars.…