Mike Spinelli
Founded Jalopnik. Coasted on that shit for years.

I'm just a lunchpail hack. I don't have any idea what you're saying. Read more

The trickle-down thing is a great point too, and I think you've got a valid argument. I don't think I can really add anything that'll persuade you that the 918 deserves an 8 instead of a 6. But here's my thinking on it. Read more

Haha. No prob. But you're right. It's one of those words that everyone says wrong and if you glance at it, you don't see the "i" if you already think you know how it's spelled. Thanks. Read more

Or you could say, "Hey man, you've got a typo." And I'd say, "Thanks!" Read more

This is a valid point, and while I think my argument was pretty clear, determining "value" will always be the most contentious score. I think when we're talking about cars priced in the stratosphere you have to consider the diminishing returns of applying more technology to get fewer performance results. Read more

Unfortunately, for Texas, it was about a 5. For NYC, an 8. Read more

Great question. I didn't notice any reduction in acceleration rate or force. I believe the system compensates from the rear, but I'll ask that one. Read more

Good question/point. I rationalized doing the long review this way: Unlike most new-car drives, we were part of a very small group. We not only got an entire day to poke around with the car, and drive it on the road and track, but we also had unlimited access to the engineering team, and so were able to do a deeper Read more

The drivetrains really are are miles apart. May be some similar code in the control software, but the systems are completely different hybrids. And the layout's only similar if you consider that they're both mid-engine cars with carbon-fiber structures. They're really not that much alike. Seriously. Read more

Funny. I see those four points as miles apart. The strange thing about this system is that as you get into the 9s and 10s, it's harder to make significant points without producing something that either tops the industry or has changed the game in some way — or is outside the scope of the car. To do that, the 918 would Read more

Well, to be fair to Porsche, the 918 has very little in common with the LMP1 919 except that they're both hybrids, and there's probably some engineering staff crossover. This really is primarily a road car. Read more

Without a doubt it's in league with any "purer" sports car Porsche has done. There would be no question at all, were it not for the hybrid-overcomplexity argument. But we'll never know what would happen if they bagged the hybrid stuff and made it lighter. Read more