
I thought they couldn't get Siri to communicate with Apple's servers on the iPhone 4? Why does it work with 3GS now? How are they spoofing the user agent differently than they did with the iPhone 4? Read more

Because it syncs with Google Tasks. I don't know about you, but I can go on a task writing frenzy and I'd rather use my laptop keyboard then the software keyboard. Read more

Ah, it's a new feature, I see it in "Redeem Cashback Bonus" page for my Discover Student card. Read more

What's this about Discover rewards and Amazon? Read more

Question for you runners: how do you run with your phone? Do you hold it in your hand or have a special armband to hold it? Read more

I would think a more cost efficient method would be to modify the existing coin slots to accept the new coins, unless they are physically too small to fit the dollar coins. Here's where we hope engineers of the past had designed the machines well enough to future proof them. Read more

Sounds like I should catch the next "Ask Lifehacker Live" with Dachis to play "stump the iOS expert." Read more

Oh, you must remember from your college days how lazy college students are. ;) Plus, the tiny dorm room means that the USB ports on my laptop are not easily accessible. Lifehacker should run a dorm room workspace submission article and I'd gladly show you all the space I have. Read more

Why the absence of the MCAT? The tutoring companies are making a lucrative amount off of stressed pre-meds. Read more

Adapt? I think using a vending machine with coins will cause much less frustration than using them with paper money. And from what I've seen, it's quite easy for the machine to ID coins. Read more

I think they also factored into the fact that people tend to lose coins in their sofa's cushions, which is still a win for the government because that would be taking money out of circulation. Read more

I thought the iOS 5 notifications tip was covered in the Apple keynote of iOS 5? Read more

My parents are of similar ages and computer literacy. My dad has been using a computer for his jobs for longer than I have been born. He will be proficient in extremely specialized software but still doesn't understand the concept of BitTorrent regardless of how many times I try to explain to him. Read more

Having software discern between a stylus and your hand would be really useful when you're trying to write using a touchscreen. Currently, I take notes using my iPad and stylus and the software I use has a "palm guard" that I have put pull up to prevent the iPad from incorrectly perceive my palm as some sort of input Read more

Try restoring your computer to an earlier point and retrying the installation. Read more

A bit late to the party, so I suppose asking questions would be futile. Instead, I offer a personal dilemma. I am torn between upgrading my iPhone 4 to iOS 5. Read more

My laptop. While my iPhone and iPad are nice to use throughout the day, I can always fall back to my laptop to replicate the features on both those devices, including phone calls using Gmail calling. Read more