Impromptu luggage rack.
Impromptu luggage rack.
Twin turbo V6 in here please?
I've been saying for years that the NSX was going the wrong way with this wannabee-R8-hybrid crap. You know what the NSX should be competing with?
They should sell it here as a Honda, not Acura.
erectile mirrors??
That nose... Too damn pointy!
I have no idea how that car is as old as me. If someone said "released in 2008" you'd believe them if you didn't know otherwise. Read more
Le Corbusier's significant contribution to the auto industry was not this design but rather important parts of his architectural philosophy. His designs marked a paradigm shift in the way we plan where we live. Instead of having automobile design shaped by our living and working spaces, Le Corbusier's designs were… Read more
Kind of related to obvious road signs, I hate the misuse of highway onramp signs that I see around here in California. There are two signs
My favorite in San Francisco
40 knots? Pffffffffff... This is how 60 knots look like in a manly boat.
The Japanese have a way with signs; this one is warning against wild boars. Other places I saw 'hello kitty' official road signs....
I've always loved this one.
ARKANSAS: Because where else do you need to be told you're about to drive into a lake?
My personal favorite, that a friend collected on one of his construction trips (he was a civil engineer, specializing in water and sewer systems, with the occasional oil loading complex thrown in for variety). In one of the third world former British colonies, he found and photographed a wonderfully ironic sign. Read more
no mention about the water?
banana peel. guaranteed accident
Snowcover isn't uniform...must have used a different mountain as a model.