Justin T. Westbrook
Reviews Editor, Jalopnik

My grandfather picked out and bought his coffin and headstone 12 years before he died. My grandmother was quite angry so she went out and bought a new living room set. Apparently he told her they couldn’t afford furniture which obviously wasn’t true.  Read more

The dude had taste, I think we can all agree on that. As far as hearses go, that one is pretty badass. Read more

My dad owned a Buy-Here Pay-Here car lot in central Florida from the early 80s up until around 2011. So sketchy was EVERYWHERE. I could go on and on but one sticks out. Read more

LOLOLOLOL. This is where we’ll separate the old from the young. Anyone 50 or older will have routinely driven cars which would be considered rolling deathtraps by today’s standards. Pre 50s hot rods, kit cars, old motorcycles, beater 60s muscle cars, VWs with no clutch, ancient commercial vehicles, relic military Read more

I live for sketchy cars.

Had an MGB that I always carried a 5 gallon jug of water in the trunk. Not because it would overheat, but because long freeway trips would catch the driver’s carpet on fire. The water was to put that out.

First car I bought with my own money was a Peugeot 504 diesel. You couldn’t put anything Read more

A couple years ago I switched from a supercharged Range Rover Sport (aka footballer’s car) to an F-Pace with the Ingenium 2.0-liter. I wanted a more suitable vehicle for frequent long road trips, but then pandemic so I haven’t put a lot of miles on it. :-|
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Sake warmer, please. I thought Lexus was challenging M-B?  Read more

I hope that they take that good performing Rav-4 plugin hybrid drive train and offer this car with it. Or better yet put it in the smaller lighter UX and make it a little electrified hot hatch-ish car.
I do have to say that i like the look of the older NXinterior even if its not ergonomically great.

It’s kind of amazing that it hasn’t changed at all in six years and the sales numbers also really haven’t changed. Read more

It like you read my mind. I was looking at replacing the factory unit in my DTS (ok paying someone to do it right). This is a contender.
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$400 for a Boss brand radio??? 1990s me is dazzled and somewhat mentally disoriented by how high that price is. Read more

He says his training with stunt driving professionals on the show had taught him how to countersteer, and he was ultimately able to regain control of the car through his inputs. Read more