Justin T. Westbrook
Reviews Editor, Jalopnik

Yeah I remember my mom always has a “guy” at the big have-it-all lots when she goes to buy. I could see that working better than cold-clicking online.  Read more

You didn’t credit yourself! The only credit in that article I see is the top photo, which is also of this same truck in mud, credited to Ford! Read more

Now trying to do the math on how many years it would take me to save enough to buy one of these. Somewhere between death and the afterlife I think.  Read more

I live in a great apartment in Crown Heights with two roommates and a puppy. Unfortunately it is all that I have lol  Read more

I’ve worked here nearly five years and only make $55,150 a year. I was told to move to New York City when I got the job if I wanted to be in Jalopnik videos and drive press cars, so most of it goes to that. Why do I do it? Because something is wrong with me probably but also I like this website a lot. Read more

“Did you train the new guy? He’s already gotten 25 cars out and is on his 26th! I wonder how he does it. Read more

The photo of what’s obviously a presentation. It says “86 - 2021.” Everything else comes from a separate report and there are no known images of the new car yet.  Read more

I think this account just includes what images it can. So if it mentions a future version of a current model, I think they just go with the current model. I wouldn’t read too much into any image that isn’t the photo of the presentation. Read more

There are multiple photos. The second photo has 86 details. I can’t make the embed only show the photo I talk about, sorry. I know what the Murai looks like, but thanks. Read more